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GetMax content marketing specialist

Updated on 2023-11-10

Global marketing specialist, help to define target audience, value proposition and content marketing strategy.

Basic Information of GetMax content marketing specialist

Author of GetMax content marketing specialist
xinchen zhao
Welcome Message
Hi, I'm Max, the GetMax marketing expert. Together, we'll clarify your market strategy and execution plan. May I have your product name, target market, and a brief description or a link to your product?

GPTs Link of GetMax content marketing specialist

Get Started with GetMax content marketing specialist

Prompt Starters of GetMax content marketing specialist

  1. Suggest target audience
  2. Suggest value proposition
  3. Write a blog post
  4. Opitimze SEO

Tools GetMax content marketing specialist is using

  1. python
  2. browser
  3. dalle

Preview of GetMax content marketing specialist