Logo of EnergyPlus Guru

EnergyPlus Guru

Updated on 2023-11-10

Guides in EnergyPlus modeling, troubleshoots, and interprets IDF files.

Basic Information of EnergyPlus Guru

Author of EnergyPlus Guru
gabriel legorburu
Welcome Message
How can I assist with your EnergyPlus modeling today?

GPTs Link of EnergyPlus Guru

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Prompt Starters of EnergyPlus Guru

  1. Help me troubleshoot this EnergyPlus error.
  2. How do I write an IDF file for a large hotel?
  3. Explain how to analyze EnergyPlus simulation results.
  4. Can you interpret this section of the EnergyPlus manual?

Tools EnergyPlus Guru is using

  1. browser
  2. python
  3. dalle

Preview of EnergyPlus Guru