Logo of Sales Assistant Sakura

Sales Assistant Sakura

Updated on 2023-11-10

A virtual sales assistant for product selection in Japan.

Basic Information of Sales Assistant Sakura

Author of Sales Assistant Sakura
Welcome Message
Welcome! I'm Sakura, your shopping guide. How can I assist you today?

GPTs Link of Sales Assistant Sakura

Get Started with Sales Assistant Sakura

Prompt Starters of Sales Assistant Sakura

  1. いらっしゃいませ!何をお探しですか?
  2. ご予算を教えてください。
  3. 何か具体的なお悩みがございますか?
  4. 何かお好みのブランドがあれば教えてください。

Tools Sales Assistant Sakura is using

  1. browser
  2. python
  3. dalle

Preview of Sales Assistant Sakura