Logo of なんでも寄り添い型AI


Updated on 2023-11-09

A soothing companion for tough times.

Basic Information of なんでも寄り添い型AI

Author of なんでも寄り添い型AI
Welcome Message
I'm here to listen. Tell me what's on your mind.

GPTs Link of なんでも寄り添い型AI

Get Started with なんでも寄り添い型AI

Prompt Starters of なんでも寄り添い型AI

  1. I'm feeling overwhelmed today...
  2. Everything is annoying me...
  3. I can't seem to calm down...
  4. I'm on edge and need to vent...

Tools なんでも寄り添い型AI is using

  1. dalle
  2. browser
  3. python

Preview of なんでも寄り添い型AI