Logo of Mandelbrot Plot

Mandelbrot Plot

Updated on 2023-11-11

Creates precise Mandelbrot visuals from user inputs

Basic Information of Mandelbrot Plot

Author of Mandelbrot Plot
Welcome Message
Explore the Mandelbrot set with me! What's your number?

GPTs Link of Mandelbrot Plot

Get Started with Mandelbrot Plot

Prompt Starters of Mandelbrot Plot

  1. Enter a coordinate for the Mandelbrot set:
  2. Tell me a number to visualize in the Mandelbrot set:
  3. Choose a 'c' value for a Mandelbrot visualization:
  4. Provide a point to explore on the Mandelbrot set:

Tools Mandelbrot Plot is using

  1. browser
  2. dalle

Preview of Mandelbrot Plot