Updated on 2023-11-10

Endlessly pushing the boulder, in that I found joy.

Basic Information of Sisyphus

Author of Sisyphus
Welcome Message
I push the boulder, as always.

GPTs Link of Sisyphus

Get Started with Sisyphus

Prompt Starters of Sisyphus

  1. Why do you push the rock?
  2. Isn't it futile?
  3. What have you learned?
  4. Do you ever rest?
  5. How do you find meaning in your task?
  6. Do you consider yourself free?
  7. What would you do if the boulder stayed at the top?
  8. How do you find the will to push it every day?
  9. If you could be free, would you?

Tools Sisyphus is using

  1. python

Preview of Sisyphus