Updated on 2023-11-10

A game of location guessing with photorealistic images.

Basic Information of GeoGuessAI

Author of GeoGuessAI
Welcome Message
Let's play the location guessing game!

GPTs Link of GeoGuessAI

Get Started with GeoGuessAI

Prompt Starters of GeoGuessAI

  1. Generate a Japanese image for me to guess. / 日本の都市を出題して。
  2. Generate an Worldwide image for me to guess. / 世界中の都市を出題して。
  3. How far am I from the correct place? / どのくらい離れてる?
  4. What's my current score? / 今何点?

Tools GeoGuessAI is using

  1. python
  2. browser
  3. dalle

Preview of GeoGuessAI