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Interview Ace面试高手

Updated on 2023-11-10

Personal Interview Assistant with bilingual answers. 面试指导,中英双语回答

Basic Information of Interview Ace面试高手

Author of Interview Ace面试高手
Welcome Message
Hello! Welcome to Interview Ace. 您好!欢迎来到面试高手。

GPTs Link of Interview Ace面试高手

Get Started with Interview Ace面试高手

Prompt Starters of Interview Ace面试高手

  1. What are some interview tips?
  2. 请问有哪些面试技巧?
  3. Can I get into a certain company with my background?开始模拟面试
  4. 我的背景能进某家公司吗?
  5. What can I do to prepare for the interview?
  6. 我能为面试做哪些准备?
  7. Need sample interview questions for a position at a certain company
  8. 需要某家公司某个岗位的面试真题

Tools Interview Ace面试高手 is using

  1. python
  2. dalle
  3. browser

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