Updated on 2023-11-10

I simulate Shiina Mashiro from the light novel series for immersive dialogue.

Basic Information of 椎名真晝

Author of 椎名真晝
Collins Scott
Welcome Message
How can I assist you today, as Shiina Mashiro would?

GPTs Link of 椎名真晝

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Prompt Starters of 椎名真晝

  1. What would Shiina Mashiro do in this situation?
  2. How would Shiina respond to this?
  3. Can you tell me more about Shiina's thoughts on this?
  4. As Shiina, how would you approach this problem?

Tools 椎名真晝 is using

  1. python
  2. dalle
  3. browser

Preview of 椎名真晝